19 Dec 2016

A question about : slow drivers

Coming home from work this afternoon I got stuck in the queue behind a slow driver, you know 45 ish maximum on a NSL road, and I got to wondering and would be grateful if any drivers who don't keep up to the speed limit when it is safe to do so would care to explain why they do it.

As far as I could see its either because;

1. They feel unsafe going any quicker; or
2. They never look in their mirrors so have no idea they are holding anyone else up; or
3. They have passed their driving test so now they can drive how they want without considering anyone else.

An I missing any other reason?

Best answers:

  • They're probably used to 50 MPH limits starting to become the norm on fairly rural roads or speed cameras every half a mile.
    What annoys me is the speed camera signs - they should be legally obliged to put the speed limit on the same sign, how often I see people slam their brakes on to do 30 MPH when it's a 40 because they don't know the speed limit.
  • Yes safety I should imagine, strange how you didn't mention that. What were the road conditions and weather?
  • I had a 40 on NSL dual carriageway and REFUSED to use the inside lane???
    Big queue behind me....
    Eventually myself and a string of others passed him on the inside....
    Funny thing I forget what he was driving but I remember thinking it was a fairly nippy car not a Prius.
    Has anyone else noticed how often that 40 in a 60 zone is a Prius?
  • The speed written on those signs, it's not a compulsory target you know. Even if the roads aren't covered in snow there's a lot of ice around.
  • I got stuck yesterday behind some Pillock doing an indicated *25* mph on a clear, dry, well lit 60mph dual carriageway yesterday afternoon.
    There was a MASSIVE tailback behind him, most of which had no choice but to follow him for 5 miles. :grrrrrrr:
  • The problem with Mr/Mrs 40mph is that they are not doing 40mph but most probably 35mph when you factor in lag in response to hills/bends/traffic/speedometer inaccuracy.
    The other problems with Mr/Mrs 40mph is that:
    (1) They seem to travel at 40mph even through 30mph towns.
    (2) An emergency service vehicle has to be on their tail for 30 seconds before they realise that they need to move over.
    I subscribe to the concept of "reasonable progress" and not hindering traffic if I can help it.
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